23-Apr-2009 |

DirectX SDK |
DirectX 10 SDK for Delphi / FreePascal update.
Updated Direct3D10 / D3DX10 headers to March-2009 SDK. Now with Direct3D 10.1 support.
As it looks now Delphi 7 will be the oldest supported Delphi version. This is actually already
were true for D3D10 headers, but now it's official. If anyone is still using previous Delphi
versions - I would suggest switching to FreePascal.
Here is a direct link to whole package:
14-May-2008 |

DirectX SDK |
DirectX 10 SDK for Delphi / FreePascal update.
Updated Direct3D10 / D3DX10 headers to March-2008 SDK. All tutorials now use only D3D10/D3DX10 headers, so no more tied to DirectX9 anymore.
Here is a direct link to whole package:
14-May-2007 |

DirectX SDK |
I'm pleased to present a long awaited by some of you DirectX 10 headers for Delphi / FreePascal!.
Today's beta release includes Delphi/FreePascal headers for DXGI and D3D10. Additionally it includes seven Direct3D10 tutorials on which I've
tested correctless of headers translation. This release still doesn't include D3DX10, and some of tutorials actually have to use D3DX9
library (so you need to have DirectX9 pascal headers available in you system to compile them).
Next release is planned to include (at least partial) translation of D3DX10 headers. Hope what it will not take so long. Additionally I
need you opinions on naming and compiler support requested for D3D10 headers. Please head up to
www.pascalgamedevelopment.com forums to vote in
polling I'm going to create later today.
Here is a direct link to whole package:
01-May-2007 |

Site |
Btw, I've changed hosting provider, so if you see any broken links, etc. - be sure to hint me on these.
01-May-2007 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK April 2007 Update available.
OK, after long silence - there is new update for DirectX9 SDK. There are not a lot of updates and this time I think it's really last update
for DirectX 9 SDK. All new work will be done on D3D10. Also MS will not bring any updates to D3D9 part of SDK anymore. In best case they
will be improving interplay between D3D9 and D3D10. Actually current MS plan is to remove D3D9 only samples from SDK in June-07 update.
So, this update have changes in two areas: D3DX9 and XACT/X3DAudio and even some fixes to DirectSound (they are for Vista compatibility).
D3DX9 updates are small in "interface" part, but potentially will have great impact for all of you who are using HLSL in your applications.
Reason for that: MS changed HLSL compiler, the new compiler included in D3DX9 is actually a compiler written for D3D10 HLSL (shader model
4.0). This new compiler has it's new features, new bugs, new optimization strategies. So be aware of this. I would recommend to do as much
regression tests as possible before switching to new compiler. To simplify upgrade of your applications, D3DX now has flag
D3DXSHADER_USE_LEGACY_D3DX9_31_DLL (it's pretty self-describing).
PS. While I have not been updating headers/examples on site for intermediate DirectX SDK releases - all fixes for December-06 and
February-07 SDKs can be found in SourceForge CVS (watch for appropriate tags).
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
31-Oct-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK October 2006 Update available.
This release of DirectX headers adds support for Vista extended version of Direct3D9 known as Direct3D9Ex or D3D9.0L. While it's not
included in bi-monthly MS DirectX SDK releases (it's only available in Windows SDK) - I've decided to add it to for your pleasure! Vista
Direct3D9 additions mostly mirror requirenments of it's new 3D display composition engine. But all these new features can be used in
your applications! So if you, for example, hate DeviceLost events - D3D9.L is for you!
In addition to providing headers I've included example showing how to use some specific features of Direct3D9 model under Vista. Example
called Direct3D9Ex, it renders graphics to two D3D surfaces independently with different priorities. And while rendering one them, it uses
second as a texture. I was not been able to fix text draw issue (so no text is drawn on screen in this sample), but all other things work
Note: as Vista is still in various stages of RC testing, I'm providing these D3D9Ex extentions on beta basis. So these extentions can be
found only in JEDI or FreePascal headers and not in Borland compliant headers build for specific versions of Delphi. To compile headers
with DX9.0L support you need to define DIRECT3D_VERSION_9_VISTA conditional and rebuild your project.
Vista related changes can be found in DirectDraw.pas and Direct3D9.pas. Other, less significant changes in headers listed below. Some
examples were updated slightly too, mostly for compatibility with new version of headers and DirectX tools (PIX pixel/vertex shader debugger).
List of changes:
- Direct3D9.pas
- fixed: IDirect3DBaseTexture9.GenerateMipSubLevels
- D3DX9.pas
- fixed: D3DXVec2Minimize, D3DXVec2Maximize
- fixed: D3DXFrameFind
- new implementation of D3DX_SKIP_DDS_MIP_LEVELS() "macro"
- all D3DXUVAtlas function reseived additional Flags parameter currently used to tune speed / quality of algorithm
- D3DX8.pas - fixed D3DXVec2Minimize, D3DXVec2Maximize.
- DirectMusic.pas - alignment of some records (like TDMusTempoParam) has fixed (thanks to Marc Weustink for his
bug report). As side effect of this - I could have changed too many records to use new 8 byte alignment. So if you see that
your DMusic program stopped working correctly - mail me immediatly!
- xact.pas - a lot a small additions from MS side. Probably most end-user visible is additon of support for 4.1
sound channels layout. XACT tutorials have been updated, because new XACT requires new binary format for resoutrces.
- X3DAudio.pas - in addition to stereo speaker configuration, all other possible configurations (up to 7.1) were added.
Now it's possible to "disable" sound for center speaker.
- XInput.pas
- switched to 'xinput1_3.dll' DLL library.
- added: support for battery powered devices (gampads, headsets)
- added: support for "keystrokes"
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
31-Jul-2006 |

Updated NVIDIA Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder to Release 1.5 beta from May-2006.
Supported pascal compilers: Delphi versions: 5 and up, FreePascal 2.0.
Release 1.5 of the NVIDIA Cg Toolkit includes the following features and improvements:
- OpenGL GLSL profiles
- Direct3D9 SM3.0 profiles
- Procedural API for Effect creation (COLLADA support)
- Program combining for inter-program optimization
- Rewrite of major portions of the Cg Runtime for enhanced performance
- Cg 1.3 and 1.4 style Effects files supported
- Cg 1.5 Beta 1 should be backward compatible with apps written against Cg 1.4.1.
- Runtime now supports loading pre-compiled objects through runtime API (CG_OBJECT for cgCreateProgram)
In addition to usual pascal headers and Borland C++ compatible libraries - this release includes seven Direct3D examples of Cg runtime usage.
These examples is the main reason behind significant delay of Cg 1.5 pascal adaptation. Examples are compatible with both Delphi and FreePascal.
New release of Cg became truly cross-platform product, covering: Win32, Win64, Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), MacOS 10.3 (Panther) and
10.4 (Tiger), Mac OS X: Universal or so-called "fat" binaries with both PowerPC and x86 code, Solaris x86. Anyone want to add OpenGL examples and
check compatibility of FreePascal port on these additional OS'es?
Download updated Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder...
14-Jul-2006 |

News |
In rather strange turn of events I've received the Microsoft MVP Award in Windows - DirectX category.
PS. To learn more about the MVP Program, visit: www.microsoft.com/mvp.
26-Jun-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
MS released updated DirectX SDK (June 2006 SDK Update).
From API standpoint - very little has changed. There are couple of changes in XACT
headers, but nothing more. Even no single line in samples has changed - definite sign that DX10 work is in crunch mode at Redmond. So I've
decided to not release any new "June 2006" headers package for a while. Instead I've just updated headers at SourceForge CVS and will spend
some time for bug searching - in hope to release "final" DX9 SDK headers. Of course, they will not be the Last revision, because with Vista
we will have DX9.0L update with some new D3D9 interfaces...
So for now you may want to download updated xact.pas from SourceForge CVS.
But for people who extensively use shaders in their applications - I hardly recommend to try updated PIX tool from SDK. In new version
"You can now right click on a rendered pixel and find every event for that frame that tried to do something to the pixel". Really cool
09-May-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
Some updates:
- Borland C++ / C++Builder DirectX 9.0 libraries (April 2006 SDK update)
- Corrected versions of pascal XACT tutorials are uploaded and available from DirectX 9.0 page
- Added Parallax occlusion mapping sample description to DX SDK page.
23-Apr-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK April 2006 Update available.
There are slight updates in headers and new ParallaxMapping Direct3D sample (directly from ATI research team).
So I've updated both headers and samples archives.
List of changes:
- xact.pas - IXACTSoundBank changed (there are compatibility problems with XACT tutorials cos of that)
and some misc updates. XACT tutorials compatible with this version of headers currently available only in SourceForge CVS.
- X3DAudio.pas - updated X3DAudioCalculate
- XInput.pas - added XInputEnable function, switched to 'xinput1_1.dll' DLL library
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
27-Feb-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK February 2006 Update available.
Not really many changes, but simultaneously with headers update I provide updated DXUT framework and updated samples.
But once again changes in samples are more or less cosmetic.
List of changes:
- xact.pas - now officially released (not in beta anymore), there are some changes in headers
- D3DX9.pas - enhancements to UVAtlas apis
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
09-Feb-2006 |

Borland..? |
going to sell it's IDE business...
01-Feb-2006 |

DirectX SDK |
A little bird told me that retail XACT libraries are going to be released tomorrow, probably within new Februrary 2006
DirectX SDK Update.
Update (09-Feb): February 2006 DirectX 9.0 SDK & DirectX End User Runtime are finally out!
28-Jan-2006 |

DirectX SDK examples |
It's been a long time since I've introduced any new Direct3D examples. Partly it was because of MS not adding any new
interesting and visually appealing samples. But wait is over with December 2005 SDK update - I've added two new samples today.
Samples are: HDRPipeline and
Actually Pick is a return of the same good old pick sample provided with in DX8 (IIRC) SDK. But HDRPipeline is totally
new sample visially demonstrating process of builing up HDR scene using foating point render targets and converting
result to LDR back buffer using tone mapping operator.
Samples are included in updated WinRAR SFX archive with the rest of Direct3D samples from SDK. More detailed description
is available on download page.
Other updates: I've uploaded updated DXUT common framework archive; in Dec-05 SDK update UVAtlas sample is also
updated noticeably; I've uploaded subset of media files coming with DX SDK to SourceForge (link is provided on Delphi
DirectX SDK page) - this subset is sufficient to run all of Delphi / FreePascal Direct3D SDK samples.
31-Dec-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
It seems I've managed to do it at least in this year :-)
Here it is: Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK December 2005 Update available.
List of changes:
- D3DX9.pas
- Added: D3DXPreprocessShaderXXX set of functions
- X3DAudio.pas - added new unit (Cross-platform stand-alone 3D audio math library)
- XACT.pas - new headers included: xact2wb.h (XACT 2 wave bank definitions), xact3D.h (XACT 3D support)
- JEDI.inc - synchronized with latest JEDI JCL version of it (includes Delphi2006 support, etc.)
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
14-Dec-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
I've updated DirectX 9.0 related headers in SourceForge CVS with new December 2005 fixes:
- D3DX9 - new D3DXPreprocessShaderFromXXX functions
- updates to XACT beta (Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool)
- misc updates
Next step will be headers for X3DAudio, xact3d, xact2wb (XACT 2 wave bank definitions) and only after that will be Direct3D10.
PS. Currently headers only available from SourceForge CVS repositary.
13-Dec-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Microsoft released December 2005 DirectX SDK!
List of changes in the December 2005 DirectX SDK:
- Direct3D 10 Technology Preview - finally!
- Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT Beta)
- Managed DirectX for .NET Framework 2.0 (Beta)
- Windows Vista Game Explorer (Beta)
- Redist
- D3DX9
- XInput
- Tools
- Samples
- Technical Article Updates
Delphi / FreePascal headers will be available later. Full Direct3D 10 headers will be available even more later -
currently you can't even test Direct3D10 as it requires MS Vista December CTP - which is still unavailable.
11-Dec-2005 |

FreePascal |
The Free Pascal Team is pleased to announce that FPC version 2.0.2 is available and ready for download.
PS. Good description of what is FreePascal now - can be found on Free Pascal Wiki.
11-Dec-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I've updated archive with all Delphi DirectX9 samples (October 2005 SDK update). Changes: included new SimpleSample and
added additional FreePascal modules required to compile DXUT framework samples (imm.pp and resource compiling batch file).
Links: Common.zip (only DXUT framework),
DXUT and all Direct3D examples in single WinRAR SFX archive.
PS. Both framework and samples can be downloaded from
SourceForge CVS repositary.
PPS. Additional media files required by samples can be downloaded from CVS too.
06-Nov-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I've updated DXUT source framework and Direct3D samples with fixes from October 2005 DirectX 9.0 SDK.
No new samples currently.
Most visible to end users update in DXUT:
- DXUT samples now do not need any external files: GUI bitmap and cursor mesh are now embeedded in EXE file itself.
- Don't know why by MS modified DXUT framework, so samples do not show FPS numbers anymore. To show FPS one
need to modify and recompile example.
Links: Common.zip (only DXUT framework),
DXUT and all Direct3D examples in single WinRAR SFX archive.
12-Oct-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK October 2005 Update available.
This update is rather different from previous bi-monthly updates. It doesn't contain any D3DX9 enhancements, instead
MS in this update included headers and sample for two new API's: XACT and XInput. Additionally I've translated and
included in this release DirectSetup (dxsetup) headers.
So, what are XACT and XInput? Answears straight from MS mouth:
- XACT: Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool. This tool and its associated APIs allow developers and
content providers to work together and bring vibrant sounds to a game.
- XInput API: allows applications to interact with the Xbox 360 Controller when it is connected to a Windows PC.
For people who are interested in XACT: I've already ported tutorials to Delphi / FreePascal. There are
three XACT tutorials available on Delphi October 2005 DirectX SDK Update page.
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
24-Sep-2005 |

News |
Niklaus Wirth in Moscow (one can see
Kremlin right behind him) holding
NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX.
As you can see photo is directly related to this site! Sorry, photo is not mine :-))
Photo was taken by AlexNab.
29-Aug-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
It's time to publish new samples. Actually today I'm re-publishing all samples and updated DXUT framework synchronizing
them with June and August DirectX SDK updates (all these updates previously have been available only in SourceForge CVS).
Starting from this update samples will be available only in single all-in-one WinRAR SFX archive. This will help me to
maintain up-to-date version of all examples on website (I will not need to track changes made to CVS and apply them so
separate ZIP downloads).
Also new examples available. Couple of them were available in previous SDK releases:
MultiAnimation and
LocalDeformablePRT and
PostProcess are totally new and really cool examples of
techniques available on modern GPU's.
More detailed description is available on download page.
14-Aug-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK August 2005 Update available.
List of changes:
- D3DX9.pas - Microsoft in new release:
- Fixed: D3DX_SKIP_DDS_MIP_LEVELS and constants - dow D3DX allows to skip "upper" mip levels when loading a DDS file.
- Added: ID3DXEffect.SetRawValue - "Fast path for setting variables directly in ID3DXEffect"
- Added: ID3DXTextureGutterHelper.ResampleTex
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
24-Jul-2005 |

DirectX tools |
In addition to tool released yesterday I've prepared another 4 of them for your pleasure!
These are: VCacheDetector (Vertex cache detector test tool),
RC_Aniso (ReactorCritical Aniso tester / iXBT texture filtering tester),
KernelDetect (detection of texture filtering kernels), Brilinear (shows differences between "brilinear" and trilinear
filtering on ATI hardware).
These tools in some of other ways were used for low-level GPU testing. Most of the tools were used to recieve data used
in articles published on ReactorCritical.com / iXBT.com / Digit-Life.com.
You can see some screenshots from these utilities. Better description and linked full-sized screenshots can be
found on Delphi DXTools download page.
23-Jul-2005 |

DirectX tools |
Let's start releasing tools used some time ago for various low-level testing of GPU.
Meet PSPrecision - PixelShader precision test tool. "PSPrecision" is a tool to determine
precision of registers used in pixel shader 2.0 by various HW implementations.
This tool was used in iXBT / DigitLife article back when NVIDIA played with precision of registers in their
NV3x series of chips. Source code is slightly updated from that was used in article.
Article links:
English: http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/ps-precision/
Russian: http://www.ixbt.com/video2/ps-precision.shtml
Download PSPrecision binary or source code.
12-Jul-2005 |

Updated NVIDIA Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder to Release 1.4 from Jul-2005.
Supported Delphi versions: 5 and up.
Release 1.4 of the NVIDIA Cg Toolkit includes the following features and improvements:
- Significantly improved code generation in most of the profiles
- Complete rewrite of CgFX. CgFX now works on all platforms, and works on non-NVIDIA OpenGL drivers. Substantial documentation for CgFX will be coming in a subsequent build of Cg 1.4
- CgFX now supports unsized arrays and Interfaces
- Substantially faster at compiling many long shaders, especially those that make heavy use of Cg’s “Interfaces” feature
- The Cg Runtime is now substantially faster in many cases
- Cg 1.4 now ships with native implementations for Win32, Win64, Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), and MacOS 10.3 (Panther) and 10.4 (Tiger)
Note that some of this new functionality is currently only supported when using the CgGL OpenGL runtime library. The Direct3D-specific Cg runtime libraries currently do not support shared parameters, for example. We have also not yet provided Direct3D profiles for Shader Model 3.0.
All Cg 1.2 or Cg 1.3 programs should work with Cg 1.4 without the need to recompile the program. The compiler, runtime, and standard library changes were all made to be backward compatible. However, programs which used previous versions of CgFX will require changes, both to the calling application code, and also to the effect files. CgFX has been completely rewritten and is now incorporated directly into the Cg Runtime libraries.
Due to lack of time I'm not able to provide examples of Cg Toolkit usage.
Download updated Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder...
30-Jun-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I was unable to update site contents, but
SourceForge CVS repositary already contains
DirectX examples updated to June 2005 SDK Update. Also in CVS one can find couple of new samples: Instancing and UVAtlas.
I hope to update site contents in near future.
29-Jun-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
I've prepared retrofit package for DirectX 9.0 Summer 2003 Update.
DirectX headers have been updated with latest fixes and got Borland compliant Delphi 9 revision. All Direct3D
samples now available in single WinRar SFX archive and have been tested against updated headers.
So this update to Summer 2003 DirectX9 SDK is definetly the Last one!
Get it: Delphi DirectX 9.0 SDK Summer 2003 Update.
12-Jun-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
As usual just after MS release, I'm presenting Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0
SDK June 2005 Update.
Most interesting: in this release Microsoft updated DirectX Setup. So for some of you needing to redistribute with
minimum install size, it's now possible to create redist package consisting of only D3DX9 dll with size slightly larger
than 1 Mb.
List of changes:
- D3DX9.pas - Microsoft in new release:
- Added: ID3DXEffect.DeleteParameterBlock - so now MS allowed us to delete parameter blocks
- Added: UVAtlas API: new IMT (Integrated Metric Tensor) Calculation apis - These functions all compute the
Integrated Metric Tensor for use in the UVAtlas API.
- Fixed: D3DX_16F_MIN_EXP constant
- DXTypes.pas
- Added: In Delphi headers added FreePascal compatible types: PtrInt, PtrUInt, SizeInt, SizeUInt (needed for
Win32/Win64 source compatibility)
- DirectDraw.pas
- Fixed: In "Borland_D4-5" directory fixed Delphi5 compatibility for PDirectDrawSurface
- DirectShow9.pas
- Fixed: KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE - Delphi5 compatibility
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
06-Jun-2005 |

Misc |
What's happened to DirectX heroes? :-)
05-Jun-2005 |

DirectX tools |
After some cleaning I'm now able to release tool called
"DirectX shader disassembler".
This is DirectX9 pixel/vertex shader disassembler tool. Full pascal source code included. Shader disassembler
includes embedded routine to export disassembled data as text output (used in compiled sample). But actually
disassembler was designed to be used for shader data analysis. So other usage scenarios possible and welcome.
Download DirectX 9 shader bytecode disassembler.
30-May-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
Fixed uniscribe related bugs in DXUT framework for Delphi/FreePascal April 2005 DirectX9 SDK update. As someone can
guess some bugfixes are available due to updated headers for MS Uniscribe API - usp10.pas (see announce below).
Download updated Common.zip framework archive here.
30-May-2005 |

WinAPI Delphi headers |
I've made separate download for Delphi / FreePascal headers of Uniscribe API (located in usp10.dll).
Link: USP - Unicode Complex Script processor.
23-May-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I continue publishing translated DirectX SDK samples for Delphi and FreePascal.
Now HDR-series is available:
High Dynamic range (HDR) lighting effects require the ability to work with color values beyond the 0 to 255 range,
usually by storing high range color data in textures. Integer texture formats have a limited range of discrete values,
which results in lost color information under dynamic lighting conditions; conversely, floating-point formats can store
very small or very large color values, including values beyond the displayable 0.0 to 1.0 range.
Floating point texture formats are the natural choice for high dynamic range (HDR) applications, but they may not be
available on all target systems, so HDRFormats samples show how to workaround this. By the way, floating-point formats
have become available for textures in DirectX 9.0.
More detailed description is available on download page.
PS. Both framework and samples can be downloaded from
SourceForge CVS repositary.
PPS. Additional media files required by samples can be downloaded from CVS too.
10-May-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Quick fix to just released headers (Delphi and FreePascal):
List of changes:
- Direct3D9.pas
- Fixed: D3DSTREAMSOURCE_xxx constants
Download updated DirectX headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
10-May-2005 |

Site news |
Finally I've setted up site at new hosting:
http://www.clootie.ru !
Please take some notes:
- Mirror at Narod.ru will still exist for some (extended) time, currently even with full (but fixed) content.
- Starting from now users visiting Clootie.narod.ru will be automatically redirected to new site.
- New and existing links to this site should be changed to http://www.clootie.ru.
- In addition to links site owners could add banner-button shown above.
09-May-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
All DirectX SDK samples for Delphi / FreePascal, previously available at February
2005 SDK Update page, now updated to comply with April 2005 Update of DirectX SDK.
Most changes in samples are due to updated sample framework (or as MS calls it now - DXUT). New framework was
redesigned to allow more modular approach. For examples GUI part of framework now can be easily incorporated in your
applications - without any (paintfull) changes to app DirectX initialization / finalization functions. One notable
exception is remove of DXUTEffectMap file/class, but it was never used in any sample, so...
PS. Both framework and samples can be downloaded from
SourceForge CVS repositary.
PPS. Additional media files required by samples can be downloaded from CVS too.
08-May-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Finally I've uploaded Delphi / C++Builder / FreePascal versions of Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK April 2005 Update.
Microsoft still doesn't allow redistribution of D3DX9 dll inside your application installer package. Probably they will
never allow it to minimize security issues. Seems future redistribution solution for applications with minimum redist
size will be based around internet-driven DirectX installer.
List of changes:
- D3DX9.pas - Microsoft in new release:
- Added: UVAtlas API: D3DXUVAtlasCreate, D3DXUVAtlasPartition, D3DXUVAtlasPack
- Added: D3DXFX_NOT_CLONEABLE flag for effect files
- dxerr9.pas
- Changed: DXTRACE_xxx now are inlined functions (were supported by compiler)
- DirectShow9.pas - syncronized with latest headers from DSPack suite
Download updated DirectX9 headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
12-Mar-2005 |

Updated NVIDIA Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder to Release 1.3 from Jan-2005.
Supported Delphi versions: 5 and up.
Fixes to Delphi headers are minimal (couple of new profile ID's and single function prototype changed). CgGL.lib library
for C++ now has been generated by coff2omf instead of implib (due to bug in later).
Release 1.3 of the NVIDIA Cg Toolkit includes the following features and improvements (new features in bold):
- New 'vp40' profile, which enables texture sampling from within vertex programs
- New 'fp40' profile, which provides a robust branching model in fragment programs, and support for output to multiple draw buffers (‘MRTs’)
- Support for writing more than one color output (i.e., ‘MRTs’) in the arbfp1 and ps_2* profiles
- New semantics to access OpenGL fixed-function state vectors from within ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program
- New ‘-fastprecision’ option for arbfp*, fp30, and fp40 profiles, to use reduced precision storage (fp16) when appropriate.
- Interfaces, a language construct that facilitates the creation of general, reconfigurable Cg programs
- Unsized arrays
- Parameter instances may be created and shared between multiple programs
- Parameters may be marked as compile-time constants, leading to more efficient compiled code
- Support for 16 profiles:
- vs_1_1 for DirectX 8 and DirectX 9
- vs_2_0 and vs_2_x for DirectX 9
- ps_1_1, ps_1_2 and ps_1_3 for DirectX 8 and DirectX 9
- ps_2_0 and ps_2_x for DirectX 9
- arbvp1 [OpenGL ARB_vertex_program]
- arbfp1 [OpenGL ARB_fragment_program]
- vp20, vp30, vp40 [NV_Vertex_program 1.0, NV_Vertex_program 2.0 and NV_vertex_program 3.0]
- fp30, fp40 [NV30 and NV40 OpenGL fragment programs]
- fp20 [NV_register_combiners and NV_Texture_shader)
- Cg Effects Explained document
- Improved runtime functionality
- Core runtime library for parameter management and loading programs
- Runtime library for DirectX 8 based applications
- Runtime library for DirectX 9 based applications
- Runtime library for OpenGL based applications
- Documentation updated
- CgFX beta support for DirectX 8, DirectX 9, and OpenGL
Due to lack of time I'm not able to provide examples of Cg Toolkit usage.
Download updated Cg toolkit for Borland Delphi and C++Builder...
05-Mar-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
New translated DirectX SDK samples for Delphi and FreePascal: ShadowVolume, SkinnedMesh.
More detailed description is available on download page.
03-Mar-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
New translated DirectX SDK samples for Delphi and FreePascal available. Note: it's recommended to update D3D Framework
(Common.zip) archive. Updated framework better handles error conditions during device creation and user side object
initialization. I also recommend to download updated
DXerr9.pas header from SourceForge CVS.
New samples include: HLSLWithoutEffects, Text3D.
More detailed description is available on download page.
26-Feb-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
New translated DirectX SDK samples for Delphi and FreePascal available. Note: it's recommended to update D3D Framework
(Common.zip) archive. This archive now includes new DXUTsound.pas unit for simplifying DirectSound usage. Actually this
unit is more or less a bugfixed version of DSutil.pas unit distributed with Summer 2003 DirectX SDK.
New samples include: EffectParam, Instancing.
More detailed description is available on download page.
26-Feb-2005 |

FreePascal |
The Free Pascal Team is pleased to announce that FPC version 1.9.8
(aka 2.0.0-RC2) is available and ready for download.
Relating to DirectX SDK samples converted to pascal this means: less tricks needed for WideString support and this FPC
release comes with updated windres.exe utility which can't compile/convert many of Delphi generated RES resource files.
In coming days I'll be updating samples resource script files (RC) to be compatible both with Borland resource compiler
and GNU winres 2.9.5.
20-Feb-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
For compatibility with previous releases of Delphi DirectX SDK's I'm providing here
D3DX92ab.dll compatible with December 2004 SDK Update D3DX9 library.
Note: this DLL provided only for compatibility and not required by current Delphi DirectX SDK.
You need to download it only if you have application specially requiring it at startup. This can happen if you have
Delphi application compiled against previous Delphi / C++Builder SDK release and developer forgot to distribute this DLL
with application.
Alternatively this DLL can be downloaded from
SourceForge right from this release:
Helper DLL
libraries for December 2004 SDK Update.
16-Feb-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I've updated all samples from December 2004 DirectX 9.0 SDK Update converted to Delphi / FreePascal to "Februrary
2005 SDK Update". Even then samples are not modified in new SDK release I've to update them as "helper"
d3dx92ab.dll is not supported anymore (and most sample binaries available on download pare required this DLL).
PS. Both framework and samples can be downloaded from
SourceForge CVS repositary.
PPS. Additional media files required by samples can be downloaded from CVS too.
13-Feb-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
Microsoft released February 2005 update to DirectX 9.0 SDK, so I'm presenting Delphi / C++Builder /
FreePascal versions of it.
The most notable change in this release for Delphi / FreePascal / C++Builder developers is "D3DX Is Now a
Dynamic-Link Library" even for Visual C++ users. Quote from documentation:
Starting with this software development kit (SDK) release, D3DX is being released as a dynamic-link library (DLL).
Updates to D3DX in the future will continue to ship as uniquely-named DLLs that exist side-by-side on the system. This
allows for continued improvements to the library without imposing regression risk. D3DX9.lib is still provided as the
import library for the DLL for your application to statically link against.
The D3DX DLL included in the SDK is automatically installed as part of Installing DirectX with DirectSetup. If your
application does not use D3DX, you can remove D3DX from the redistributable (see Directx redist.txt for details).
List of changes:
- D3DX8.pas
- Fixed: LockAttributeBuffer
- D3DX9.pas
- Microsoft in new relase added these functions: D3DXCreateEffectEx, D3DXCreateEffectFromFileEx, D3DXCreateEffectFromResourceEx; and
couple of additional methods: ID3DXPRTEngine. ClosestRayIntersects / ShadowRayIntersects.
- Fixed: LockAttributeBuffer
- dxerr9.pas
- Reworked to allow applications using this unit to run without dxerr9ab.dll available on target systems.
Download updated headers, libraries and helper DLL's for:
Headers for Delphi and FreePascal and helper DLL libraries can also be downloaded from SourceForge.
01-Feb-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
New translated DirectX SDK samples for Delphi and FreePascal available. Note: it's recommended to update D3D Framework
(Common.zip) archive.
New samples include: AntiAlias, CompiledEffect, DepthOfField, EnhancedMesh, OptimizedMesh, ProgressiveMesh.
More detailed description is available on download page.
31-Jan-2005 |

DirectX SDK |
I've updated DirectX headers for Delphi / FreePascal.
List of changes:
- Direct3D9.pas
for extended support of instancing (I don't know how I've missed them initially...)
- Borland C++ and C++Builder compatibility fixes
- D3DX9.pas
- FreePascal fixes: ID3DXInclude, ID3DXAllocateHierarchy, ID3DXLoadUserData, ID3DXSaveUserData,
ID3DXAnimationCallbackHandler "interfaces" and functions using them - FreePascal needs special handing for them.
- D3DX8.pas (fixes available only in Dec-04 DX9 SDK - I've not updated previous releases)
- DirectShow9.pas - syncronized with latest headers from DSPack suite
- Other
- Some formatting fixes in number of units: tabs replaced with spaces, fixed some level 2 comments preventing
FreePascal from compiling headers then not in Delphi compatible mode.
Download headers: for Delphi, FreePascal from this site,
or download them from SourceForge.
20-Jan-2005 |

FreePascal |
Issue (1) mentioned yesterday (one have to rebuild samples each time instead of make) was succesfully fixed today on in FreePascal
compiler. Fixed version is already available at cvs.freepascal.org. |
19-Jan-2005 |

DirectX SDK examples |
I've updated common DirectX framework and all available samples for Delphi / FreePascal from October 2004 to December 2004 DirectX 9.0 SDK.
In addition to usual bug fixes and new features from MS side, framework and samples now have better FreePascal 1.9.6 compatibility and
mostly bug fixes in IME edit control (DXUTgui.pas).
Compatibility: Now with common framework (Common.zip) I'm supplying imm.pp headers for FreePascal, so no additional files
are needed to compile SDK examples under FreePascal. The only restrictions I'm aware is what examples should be:
(1) rebuid each time or compiler will break at compilation (or compile with DEBUG conditional defined, so INLINE support, still bugged
in FPC, will be disabled);
(2) compile with register variables optimization [-Or] compiler switch - I still need to investigave this bug in FPC. So then compiling
supplied DirectX samples it should be enought to execute this command: "fpc BasicHLSL.dpr -B -Or" (for BasicHLSL sample).
PS. Both framework and samples can be downloaded from
SourceForge CVS repositary.
PPS. Additional media files required by samples can be downloaded from CVS too.
03-Jan-2005 |

FreePascal |
The Free Pascal Team is pleased to announce that FPC version 1.9.6
(or 2.0.0-RC1) is available and ready for download.
This is a pre-release of version 2.0. As such, it is considered a beta of
the upcoming 2.0 release, which is expected to be released in one or two
months from here.
While this is officially a beta, we believe that this version is release
quality. We would very much like you download and install this version, and
give any feedback regarding bugs and other issues.
If no major bugs are found, version 2.0 will be released in a short